Access the SAM One Report
How to Access the SAM One Report
To access the SAM One report, navigate to Power BI via https://app.powerbi.com.
After opening the start page for Power BI, you need to enter open the workspace containing the report. This would be the ‘Sam-one’ workspace, found in the following location:

Depending on which Power BI user interface experience is set for your organization, the menu might also look like this:

Once you’ve opened the workspace, you will see one dataset and one report for SAM One. To view the report, simply select it in the list. The report will be named based on your company name.

Invite Other Users
To invite other users to the SAM One workspace, navigate to the landing view where reports and datasets are shown as described in section 2. From this view, select ’Access’ in the top toolbar (to the right).

After clicking on ’Access’, a dialog will be opened where you can enter the email addresses of users you want to invite. New users can have one of the following roles in the workspace:
Viewer – Allows the user to read reports and dataset, but not create own reports based on the data or modify existing ones
Contributor – Allows editing existing reports and publishing new ones. This will also allow users to create reports in other workspaces based on data in this one
Member – Has the same permissions as contributors, but can also manage permissions for datasets and apps
Admin – Same as member, but can also remove people from the workspace and add other admins.
A complete list of permissions can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/collaborate-share/service-roles-new-workspaces. For most users you should select the ’Viewer’ role.

Please note that in order for a user to access a shared workspace they need to have a Power BI Pro license or a Power BI Enterprise license. We recommend using a ’Pro’ license for most customers.
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