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Frequently Asked Questions
Can we download SAM One?
Yes. On Microsoft AppSource there is a page for SAM One. The application can be downloaded for free and interacted with in the same way as the demo report (go to demo the report here). Please note, however, that you need a Power BI Pro subscription.
For the downloaded report to start showing your organization's data, you need to contact us to purchase SAM One and do the initial set-up.How to set up and install SAM One?
Setting up SAM One is not difficult, but there are a few required steps necessary for the data flow to be established.
We have a step-by-step guide that can be read here. Keep in mind that you need to have a Power BI Pro license and that you need to have bought a SAM One subscription before you can actually perform the setup, but you can still to read the guide if you're curious about the process.
What can SAM One see and access in our Microsoft environment?
SAM One can only see what you provide access to, but never write anything outside the Power BI report in the storage account.
SAM One needs read access to the Azure AD user directory, which is a requirement to link the user catalogue to device and license data. Azure information about Microsoft licenses is also a requirement. Intune information about devices, users and applications is the last thing SAM One needs to be able to read.
It is important to emphasize here that SAM One can never add or delete information in your Microsoft environment (except for the Power BI report). You can also at any time delete the connection between your tenant and SAM One. Then there will be no way for SAM One to process more information. This, however, means that the report will not update.
We do not store any information at our tenant, and the SAM One report as well as all its data is stored in your own storage account. If you for whatever reason want to stop SAM One's processing of data, you can terminate the connection between SAM One and your Storage Account at any time.
Is it safe to send credentials?
Sensitive information should not be sent over the internet without hesitation – especially not if unencrypted.
In order to get started with SAM One, we need some sensitive information (for example API keys) to connect the SAM One report to your Storage Account. Our recommended methods to submit such data is described in this article.
We recommend to never send sensitive data – such as personal data, login credentials, etc. – unencrypted.
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About SAM One
SAM One is developed by EdgeGuide AB, 556585-1523, which is an IT company based in Stockholm. EdgeGuide helps its customers to improve the experience of their Microsoft products and the management of their cloud solutions. SAM One was developed as a solution to access multiple dashboards in one, and the team thought the product was complete enough to be launched independently of EdgeGuide.